Aug 15, 2013

As reward, Sushi of Gari

It was such a nice weather☆

We came out to the luxury restaurant "Sushi of Gari".
It's been super long since she ate Sushi!! Like over a year!?
(I do homemade Sushi sometimes lol, Gari.. since AB's BD)

The lighting is amazing, Sushi look even fresher and shinier!!

Omakase~~~ is the BEST☆
           The creative Sushi by Japanese Sushi Chef ホッタさん

箸休めにと。。Cold noodle made of eggplant!!
 I've never seen it! 新食感&新感覚☆

Her favorite♥Uni〜〜〜〜♡
      (Not for me unfortunately...)

The Chef keeps making creative Sushi until you tell him "Plz stop, I'm stuffed!!" Lol
That's how it works."Omakase"

                       Between Sushi "Oyster"♡



    とろけました♡Just melted in a mouth♡
 ごちそうさまでした♡Good meal, my energy!!

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