May 21, 2013

My passion "Men's nailz" for Hiphop

As you(my people) know, my passion is into "Men's Nailz" for Hiphop.
Especially Lil Wayne♥
I created these nailz maybe 4 years ago?!
I made  men's nailz portfolio as well.  I kinda hesitate publishing cuz I know it's gonna be popular once some gangsta wears.. also people are always looking for something NEW!! I already know!
Let me know if you wanna use for music video or any magazine shoot.
I will meet your demand :) Nobody does it yet!!

もー開き直って出しちゃいます☆本当にやりたいことはメンズネイル×HipHop コラボ♥
作っている時が一番楽しい :) 今日はNY猛暑でしたが熱さとともに♨

             For Hammer!!! "Chiba VS Africa"

For Lil Wayne♥

            For High-Fashion Style (Not for men)


Anonymous said...

I love the nails in the second pic! They are so Hammer taste!
Writing your passion on here... even you had been kept it in your mind...but you wrote.
I think your soul made you to write because the soul wannted to be fullfilled. いいお話舞い込むと良いね!

Fumic Jewelry Nail said...

Yes! Right!! That's my passion!! I really make it happen☆ Someday, sooner!!! Thanks♥forみ