Dec 10, 2013

Homemade scrub♥︎

I'm making scrub!! I show u the ingredients(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) 
1. Sea salt from Israel 
2. Aura Cacia Skin Care oil (grapeseedoil)
3. 100% pure essential oil
4. Dried mint, sage, rose petals.
5. Almond glow (skin care oil mix w lavender sent) 
I made "lemongrass mint" scrub using grapeseedoil. I can make "lavender rose" scrub, too. Basically just mix the all ingredients. It's super easy! I'm gonna use it for pedi service :) 

My homemade scrub worked really well!
I am amazed(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) yay!!
Now I'm still making menu for my salon but my scrub will def be in the menu♥︎☻
お楽しみにい( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
The flower art aka ikebana!!
Now the flower is blooming!!! So pretty!!

Living w flowers is such a beautiful thing♥︎😘 I love it!!! 

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