Guess! Who wrote this??
お金(Okane a.k.a. Money$$)
Traditionally, kakizome was performed using ink rubbed with the
first water drawn from the well on New Year's Day. Seated facing a
favourable direction, people would write Chinese poetry containing
auspicious words and phrases such as long life, spring, or perennial
youth. These poems were then often burned. (from Wiki)
Kakizome for the first time☆
書き順が最高に真逆lol "金"の一番下の横線からかいておりました。
アがなんでか長〜い lol ア〜ンディ
It was really fun to watch American ppl were writing Japanese wrong. Lol
by Fumic :) 来年お金って書きたい!
よく出来ました〜Good Job!!
For えりちゃん♡
For りゅうせいちゃん☆
This is really artistic!!
inspired by Kakizome(?)
Shooting Star☆☆
I already feel that this year is gonna be good!!
☆+♡×♨=Happy :)